Saturday, 16 February 2013

Always sunny somewhere

I took a train to Cordoba and arrived to blue skies, orange and palm trees and people sat at outside cafes. A sign said the temperature was 20. Looks like I found where summer is hiding.

After dropping my bags at a guesthouse I wandered down to the river to see the Roman bridge and a nearby monument.

Then I went to the Mesquita, which was everything it is supposed to be. I did think that the information leaflet from the Church was a tad defensive thought starting with a reminder to "respect the Church" and emphasising the phrase "It is a historical fact that a Visigoth Church was destroyed to build the mosque".

I then explored the town and stopped for an ice cream.

The final site I visited today was the old Synagogue, apparently only one of three left standing the whole of Spain (though not in use).

Tomorrow I should be going to Granada. No I will be going to Granada, I may just have to stop for a brief argument with the bus company first as I explain that when you take payment for a ticket you are then meant to issue the ticket. Oh well, I guess this is what insurance is for and anyway it's hard to feel too bad around here.

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